Is your child inattentive in school? Is the hyperactivity of your child becoming uncontrollable? It would help if you got in touch with a consultant to assess your child for ADHD. ADHD is a complicated disorder which is generally characterised by typical symptoms like inattentiveness, impulse behaviour and hyperactivity in a child.

If these sociological disorders and behavioural problems continue for a long time, then the child might suffer from long-term problems. For an ADHD assessment of a child in London, contact professional consultants who can help you with the necessary treatment processes.

If you’re wondering what causes ADHD in a child, then here are a few underlying causes for the same.

What are the Causes Behind ADHD in a Child?

Generic Factors

If there’s a family history of ADHD, then it is most certain that the same has been genetically passed on to the little one. However, identifying the ADHD gene can be difficult, primarily through medical testing. However, if you know a person in the family with such symptoms, then there’s a high chance that the same has been transferred to your child as well.

Environmental Factors

Along with genetics, prenatal, post-natal, and premature birth also play a significant role in causing ADHD in a child. According to research, if the would-be mother had a habit of excessive smoking or alcohol consumption or was exposed to high levels of stress during pregnancy, then the child can develop ADHD.

On the other hand,prenatal and postnatal factors like childhood trauma from the parents, high levels of neglect, and postpartum depression of the mother can also cause adverse effects on the nature and behaviour of the child, leading to the development of ADHD in the child.

Neurological Factors

ADHD is also related to the abnormal functionality of the brain hormones and nervous system. Children who have ADHD generally have a small-sized brain and hence are unable to be attentive, unable to control their emotions and unable to follow instructions correctly.

Psychological Factors

Sometimes, a toxic parenting style where there is a lack of discipline in the lifestyle of the parents may lead to the development of ADHD symptoms in the child. Moreover, if the child is being exposed to peers who are experiencing ADHD, they can also develop some of the symptoms unknowingly.

For specialist ADHD assessments and treatment for children and young people between the ages of 5 and 17, contact the ADHD Doctor. Book your appointment now and get immediate help for your child.