Our Service
Gold standard ADHD clinical assessments and treatment
1. Overview
We carry out ADHD assessments and treatment for children and young people under the age of 18. The assessment doesn’t include an ASD (autism spectrum disorder) evaluation. However, if co-morbid conditions are identified during the ADHD assessment these will be included in the formulation section of the specialist report and advice provided on how best to proceed with these concerns. We offer both in-person and virtual assessments (Zoom).
Prior to your assessment we’ll send you an e-mail links to complete the Conners 4 questionnaires, which are pivotal to the assessment process. Three forms are required, a self-assessment if indicated, a parent form and a teacher’s form. We must receive these before a diagnosis can be made and specialist report can be produced.
Furthermore, we would need to see any other professional assessments for your child or young person that may be related to their ADHD symptoms and difficulties. The assessment is followed by at least one other appointment (if required) to discuss the diagnosis and treatment options including medication if this is indicated.Each assessment has three components: a detailed history and evaluation of symptoms using the Young-DIVA 5, completion of the Conners-4 full questionnaires by parent, young person and school teacher and a clinical evaluation of impact and impairment. Every assessment is tailored to the young person and care is taken to understand and report each child’s unique ADHD story and journey. Our consultant engages each young person helping them to feel empowered in the decisions made about their treatment and care.
4. Shared care with GP
With titration complete and an optimal dose reached (i.e. effective symptom control and medication tolerability), we approach your GP and request for a shared care agreement. If your GP agrees, repeat prescriptions and monitoring of medication is taken over by them and as per the agreed protocol. Specialist input from us is required only once a year in a further follow-up appointment.
We do not offer an emergency or out-of-hours service and we advise that for urgent crisis situations, you contact your GP, GP out-of-hours service, call NHS 111/999, or attend your local hospital emergency department.
2. The ADHD Clinical Assessment
The clinical assessment lasts no more than 2-hours and may be in-person or virtual. During the assessment the consultant will carefully obtain a comprehensive history and other information about your experience living with ADHD symptoms. A clinical diagnostic evaluation of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity (using the Young DIVA-5* framework) will also be completed during the assessment. This time also offers an opportunity for direct clinical observation of your child or young person.
* Diagnostisch Interview Voor ADHD bij jongeren (DIVA)
3. Specialist Report and Post Assessment Follow-up Clinics
With the assessment complete, a professional judgement is made about whether or not a diagnosis of ADHD is indicated and if it is, which sub-type. This is based on criteria set out in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the international standard. A detailed assessment report follows with a list of bespoke recommendations including medication options if impairment is significantly severe. The post-assessment follow-up clinic lasts no more than 45 minutes and includes a psychoeducation session with the consultant who will explain the diagnosis and relevant next steps. Additional follow-up appointments may be required if for instance medication is initiated and titration to an optimal dose is required. Relevant blood investigations, ECG and physical examination are required prior to commencement of medication.