Every disease needs therapies and medications to maintain its health. ADHD is a form of neurodivergence characterised by hyperactive characteristics that deal with inattention and impulsivity. The London ADHD clinic offers various types of therapies, such as mindful-based cognitive therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, ADHD coaching, dialectical behavioural therapy, and supportive psychotherapy.
Types of ADHD
Various types of ADHD diseases help manage the treatment. Take a look at different types of ADHD
ADHD Combined Type
: ADHD is the mixture of hyperactive and impulsive behaviour. It is important to understand the health condition of other people.
ADHD, Inattentive and Distractible Type
: Various symptoms of ADHD include distractibility and inattention that are based on the management of inattentiveness.
ADHD, Impulsive/Hyperactive Type
: There is the least common form related to ADHD that is characterised by hyperactive and impulsive behaviours with distractibility and no inattention.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for ADHD
Cognitive behavioural therapy is considered ADHD psychotherapy and the gold standard. To manage the regular CBT issues, this therapy is utilised. Various types of ADHD and CBT can help in managing the implementing strategies. Have a look at the modules of CBT therapy:
- Adaptive thinking
- Coping with distractibility
- Organising or planning Psychoeducation
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Dialectical behavioural therapy is part of managing the functionalities related to ADHD technology. Have a look at behavioural therapies such as:
- Emotion regulation
- Mindfulness
- Distress tolerance
- Interpersonal effectiveness
- Hyperactivity and attention/Impulsivity
ADHD Coaching
If you want to gain popularity, it is important to maintain the standardised protocol under coaching, problem-solving, and roadblocks. The coaches use emails, text messages, and phone calls to remind them to meet the goals. Self-rewards are part of coaching.
Interpersonal Therapy
Interpersonal therapy can develop various types of ADHD symptoms based on actual therapy and other necessary things. It is always necessary to develop the inner experience and other behavioural functionalities.
Group Therapy
Group therapy can help with the analysis that falls under ADHD-I (Inattentive Type). Under ADHD-I, you can deal with lifestyle changes, end activities, and troubleshoot issues. Combining the techniques related to in-person sessions and other things is necessary. To deal with mindfulness meditation, it is important to improve attention regulation.
Narrative Therapy
This therapy helps reduce the self-stigma based on maintaining the self-fulfilling prophecy. Narrative therapy can also address home improvement maintenance, which is important for maintaining healthcare therapies.
Some London ADHD clinics follow various types of therapies. The team at Mind MD Limited deals with the maintenance of psychological problems.